Denim difficulty: Taiwan woman in jeans faces wedding ejection over dress code violation, gets huge

A wedding dress code ordeal suffered by a woman in Taiwan has won her widespread sympathy and support on the island’s social media.

The outpouring of support for the unfortunate woman came after she made a post on an anonymous social media platform telling how she was almost ejected from a male colleague’s wedding for wearing jeans.

She said that out of more than 10 wedding receptions she has attended in her 35-year-old life, this was the first time she had been treated this way.

The woman said that because the wedding banquet was held at a fancy restaurant she had prepared a cash gift of NT$6,600 (US$215), and decided to wear holed jeans and a white T-shirt.

Having just sat down and eaten the first course of the nuptial meal, she was approached by the brother of the bride who told her she had to leave because of her attire.

“He told me to leave by myself so that he would not have to drag me out,” the angry woman said in her post, adding that she told him: “I am the groom’s friend and you’re the bride’s brother, why are you doing this to me?”

Eventually, the groom and his family showed up to mediate and she was allowed to stay.

“I insisted on not leaving. The brother didn’t let go until the groom and his family intervened.

“I heard them arguing later, but I didn’t want to get involved. The bride came to apologise but I didn’t think it was her fault,” the woman said.

“I thought I was dressed smartly and wasn’t being rude,” she added.

Online observers in Taiwan showered support on the woman.

One said: “Even if you were dressed really inappropriately, they should not try to kick you out.”

Another said: “I want to know how fancy a restaurant it was that you can’t wear jeans.”

“You should have taken the gift money back and just walked out,” said a third person.
