Tequila Sunset | South China Morning Post

The Eagles wrote a song about it, Mel Gibson starred in a film named after it and you wouldn't be seen dead in a disco in the 1970s without one in your hand.The Tequila Sunrise has had its moments, but it's badly in need of a makeover.

It's not easy giving an all-time classic drink a twist. So why complicate things when a small change is all that's needed? It also helps if the subtle twist adds some of the character of the city it was made in. The aptly named Tequila Sunset at the Tapas Bar in the Kowloon Shangri-la Hotel combines all these qualities. The original is strong thanks to the tequila. Its other two ingredients, orange juice and grenadine syrup, give it sweetness.

It's a colourful drink although some find it too sweet. The health-conscious steer clear of sugary drinks like this, so Sarina Gurung, the Tapas Bar's bartender, developed the Tequila Sunset. Instead of using orange juice and grenadine syrup, she uses Malibu and grapefruit juice. It is zesty and invigorating but you know you've imbibed some strong alcohol.

'It tastes refreshing rather than sweet,' Gurung says. 'I noticed that Chinese girls liked grapefruit juice. They believe it's healthier. I've found local people like some bitterness in their cocktails as well. We use gold tequila as it's our signature drink and it is better quality.'

Gurung has created six original cocktails and five mocktails. She believes female cocktail drinkers prefer grapefruit juice because they think it's good for their skin and overall health. Fashionable natural fruit smoothies usually have grapefruit in them.

'I think the Tequila Sunset is popular because it works on both fronts - it's strong in alcohol but gives the impression that it's a healthy drink.' Gurung says. 'It's become a big favourite here as it's not as sweet as the Tequila Sunrise.' The Tequila Sunrise is named for the way it looks in the glass. The dense grenadine, settles and creates gradations in colour like a sunrise.

The Tequila Sunset has the opposite appearance, like dusk over Victoria Harbour. It's the perfect way to end a hectic day in the city.

Tequila Sunset One shot gold tequila Half shot of Malibu Three shots of grapefruit juice

Put all ingredients into a cocktail shaker and shake well. Strain into a glass over ice cubes.
